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English translation for "简约主义"


Related Translations:
简约:  brief; concise; sketchy◇简约方程 reduced equation
信托简约:  pactum fiduciaepactumfiduciae
附加简约:  pactum adiectumpactumadiectum
简约律:  law of parsimony
精致简约:  clean &close
简约长度:  reduced length
简约频率:  reduced frequency
简约表面:  reducing surface
简约规则:  reduction rule
简约过程:  reduction procedure
Example Sentences:
1.This paper analyses and forecasts the tendency about contemporary space environment design , and illustrates the basic features of simplism
2.Suites of western way adhere to the philosophy of plainness , pureness and nature , sharing the same essence of the simplicity , which is now coming in the west
3.The integrating manifestations of various main factors of style are : simplification and rococo , futurism and conservatism , realism and abstraction , dynamic state and static state
4.This approach will possibly lead translation study onto a road of reductionalism and also clear up a road for translation study ascending into the academic realm of humanistic concern
5.It is put forward that the simplism design style is inexorable trend of space environment and the design direction of " reducing the consumption of energy " which proposed by international community nowadays
6.In the suitable season , the suitable place , the suitable environment , her element is pale , graceful , and noble as well as restores , brief principle which remembers past times always to exaggerate the feminine curve domain
7.At the moment , there are most reductionism ' s method as in the mentioned researches above , i . e . , investigating rule ' s game and order ' s change by based on main trend theory ' s frame , utilizing linearization model and in established ways of rule and order
目前,有关这方面的研究大多采取“简约主义” ( reductionism )的方法,即基于主流理论的框架、用线性化的模式、在既定的规则和秩序的架构中,研究规则博弈和秩序变化。
8.Produced by independent artists and by artists working in collaborations with choreographers , dancers and performers , these works encompass a range of styles and themes from abstract considerations of the tele - visual space to the reductive and culturally specific structures of language , the visceral qualities of flesh , the poetic simplicity of bodies in motion , the performance of self , and allusions to / revisions of historical art and ideas
这些独立艺术家或与编舞者、舞蹈家和表演者合作的艺术家的作品,包含从对视像空间的抽象思考,到简约主义、具有文化特殊性的语言结构,肉体的本能特质,动态中身体朴素的诗意,到自我演示以及对过往艺术和观念的引述或修正等不同的风格和主题, 。
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