| 1. | Management decision support system of multiple capacity air traffic flow 空中交通管理中的地面等待策略研究 |
| 2. | Global air traffic management 全球空中交通管理系统 |
| 3. | It consists of the space management ( asm ) and air traffic flow management ( atfm ) 最后讨论了空中交通管理,并对空域管理和空中交通流量管理作了重点研究。 |
| 4. | Human factors are the main factors that might affect the safety of air traffic control and the quality of operation 摘要人的因素是影响空中交通管理安全和运行品质的关键因素。 |
| 5. | The conceptual structure and logical structure of the airline and the airport database were also built 对于空中交通管理系统中的航空公司数据库和机场数据库建立了概念结构和逻辑结构。 |
| 6. | The thesis got the advantage of the octree algorithm to make a common indexing system of the air transportation information resources 本文采用octree算法对于空中交通管理信息资源和其他空中交通信息建立了数据库数据模型。 |
| 7. | First of all , the former theories and methods of air traffic evaluation is summarized , the conception of capacity is also discussed <中文摘要> =本文对跑道、航路和区域容量评估以及空中交通管理经济模型进行了比较系统、深入的研究。 |
| 8. | The conception of cdm has been widely applied in the air traffic management system ( atm ) of usa , and accepted by the aviation industry of canada , europe and japan 协同决策制定( cdm )概念已广泛应用到美国的空中交通管理( atm )系统,被加拿大、欧洲及日本民航业所接受。 |
| 9. | The automation and one - system trend have been an international trend which is also very meaningful to the development of air transportation management in china 空中交通管理信息服务的自动化、一体化、网络化是全球趋势,也是未来我国航行空中交通管理信息系统建设的发展方向。 |
| 10. | The air traffic management of the civil aviation is a kind of systematic and comprehensive job . it has practical meaning to use systematic thoughts and points of view to research it 民用航空空中交通管理工作,具有较强的系统性和综合性,运用系统科学的思想、观点和方法研究民航空中交通管理工作是一项具有实际意义的工作。 |