| 1. | 4 . the expansion of rice farming and yayoi culture 4 .稻作的推广和弥生文化 |
| 2. | Achievements of prehistoric rice farming of china 中国史前稻作农业的成就 |
| 3. | Output response to fertilization development in rice cropping 稻作施肥制度进步的产量响应 |
| 4. | A review of the studies on the origin of sino - japanese paddy cultivation 中日稻作起源研究回顾 |
| 5. | Slightly talk about the contents of farming culture of rice cultivation 浅谈稻作农耕文化的内涵 |
| 6. | More than fify years for my career - rice 我的五十余载稻作历程 |
| 7. | Investigation on ancient rice in guang - fu village site , wu - jian county 吴江广福村遗址的古稻作研究 |
| 8. | A primary investigation on pre - historical rice cultivation in hai - dai region 海岱地区史前稻作农业初步研究 |
| 9. | On the ancestors of paddy rice - cultivating natives in the pearl river valley 珠江流域原住稻作民族人文始祖论考 |
| 10. | Rtlation among the evergreen forest culture with the rice origin and its spreading 试述稻作起源传播研究的一个新视角 |