| 1. | In the final part suggestion is put forward for the future development 第五章对今后硬环境、软环境的进一步发展提出了建议。 |
| 2. | This part analyzes the difficulties on software and hardware environment during the reformation , and the proper transform method should be taken 具体分析了转型过程中货运站在软、硬环境方面的困难及应采地的适合自身的转化途径。 |
| 3. | The export - oriented economy has kept the momentum of development , resulting from the achievements gained by mass investment in the soft and hard environment for investment 长安镇外向型经济持续保持强劲的发展势头,主要得益于在投资软、硬环境方面的大量投入和所取得的成绩。 |
| 4. | Investment environment is becoming more and more advantageous . the government is not only working hard to improve the investment hardware , but also the software 辛集市在不断优化投资“硬环境”的同时,努力营造良好的投资“软环境” ,确立“速度就是效益”观念,各种手续简便快捷。 |
| 5. | Xuanda takes talent s development as the core on the facet of the construction of talent troop , the consummation of excitation mechanism , the promotion of hard and soft environment and technical innovation 宣达在人才队伍建设、激励机制完善、软硬环境提升、科技创新等方面都以人才的发展为核心。 |
| 6. | The non - linear editing system influences not only the hard environment such as facilities but also the soft environment such as the way of programs editing and directors " thought 非线性编辑系统在广播电视领域荡起的层层涟漪并非仅仅局限于设备硬环境,还波及到节目编辑方式、编导思维方式等软环境。 |
| 7. | The good geological location , improving soft and hard investment environment and efficient advisory services all combine to offer more specialized , expedient and all - round service to investors 良好的区位优势,进一步完善的软硬环境、优质高效的咨讯服务,为投资者提供更为专业、更为迅捷的全方位服务。 |
| 8. | Binzhou city attaches great importance to the construction of infrastructure . through improving the investment environment , binzhou city has made every effort to provide convenient and rapid services for outside investors 滨州市重视各种基础设施建设,不断改善投资硬环境,为外商提供更加便利、快捷的服务! |
| 9. | Chapter two and chapter three introduce and expound the hard environment and the soft environment of training graduates " technological innovative abilities . the development of everything cannot escape from the objective environment and e 第二章和第三章介绍和论述了研究生科技创新能力培养的硬环境和软环境,任何事物的发展都离不开一定的客观环境,环境是事物发展变化必不可少的外部条件 |
| 10. | So it ' s urged to take actions to enhance sell - innovation ability , better soft and hard surroundings , to realize the innovation of the yiwu pattern , thus to improve construction of the mid - zhejiang business c enter and to healthily improve the yiwu business circle 为了促进浙中商务中心的建设和义乌商圈的健康发展,必须采取提高自主创新能力、改善软硬环境等举措,实现“义乌模式”的创新。 |