| 1. | On hans in the manchu army 论清初汉军旗人督抚的历史作用 |
| 2. | The case impeached by civil governor and military governor each other and zhangboxing ' s 督抚互参案与张伯行的悲剧 |
| 3. | The governors ' guaranteed recommending and proposed appointing power of the green battlions officials in qing dynasty 清代督抚保题绿营武官的人事权 |
| 4. | Increased salt prices and the intervention of the senior provincial officials in politics during the ban on opium in the late qing 清末禁烟时期的盐斤加价与督抚干政 |
| 5. | Stricken by the heavy blow , the qing government had to give some important power to the officials of provinces 在太平天国的沉重打击下,清政府不得不实行放权督抚的政策,允许地方进行自救。 |
| 6. | The great power of the governor inspector expands and strengthens during the crackdown of the peasants ' risings and " the learning - from - forien nations movement " 清初的督抚也是出于监察地方和督察军事的初衷而署置的。 |
| 7. | As a representative of upper - level businessmen in areas of jiangsu and southeast china , zhang jian also showed his consciousness of southeast 张謇作为江苏和东南地区约上层绅商代表,他在庚子年向东南督抚的陈言献策中,也显露出与上海庚子报刊时论类同的东南意识。 |
| 8. | On the impaction of the thoughts , zhang embodied its spirit at the beginning being an official . it achieved perfect after he hold a local governor - general position for many years 张之洞受这种经世思潮的影响很大,入仕之初,其经世致用的思想就有所体现。后来在地方任督抚多年,这种思想就越发成熟。 |
| 9. | The governor and inspector system of ming and qing follows courter offcial inspecting locality system , which has much to do with the " cishi - system , emissary - system in han dynasty and jie - du - shi system in tang dynasty 摘要明清督抚制度当承袭周秦以来的近官以京秩出监地方的监察制度,它与汉代刺史制度、使者巡行制度、唐代节度使制度等都有着历史上的渊源。 |
| 10. | The most important part of " the legal supervision in ancient china is its supervisory system which developed along two historical lines , one is the impeachment system another is the advising system . the supervisory system of ming dynasty also was based on these two systems . legal supervision system is composed of five key elements , they are subject , object , content , power and rules . the impeachment system that was formed in tang dynasty and was composed of three branches had been changed in ming dynasty 明代监察的主体较前代有所增多,明代将唐代建立起来的御史台三院制度合而为一,统归于都察院,撤消了谏官制度,而创设了负责监察六部的六科给事中制度;另外在地方监察制度中,除了十三道监察御史外,还创设了督抚制度,对清代的监察制度有很大的影响。 |