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English translation for "电子乐器"

elecatric musical instrument
electric instrument
electrical music
electronic musical instrumens
electronic musical instrument

Related Translations:
电子乐器制造:  electrionic musical instruments
电子乐器数字接口:  midi music i trument digital interfacemidi music instrument digital interfacemidimusici trumentdigitalinterface
数码电子乐器按钮:  midi button
天津雅马哈电子乐器有限公司:  tianjin yamaha electronic musical instruments company ltd
电子乐器一的数位介面:  musical instrument digital interface midi
Example Sentences:
1.Open the show with an acoustic set
2.You will never electronic musical instruments the main volume of the largest open
3.Limits and methods of measurement of interference characteristics of electronic musical instrument
4.Music tuners and the like for use with electronic or non - electronics musical instruments
5.In fact , the electronic musical instrument is a complex structure , function is enormous
6.I do not know if you have this feeling : recording electronic musical instrument is the voice of a very simple matter
7.The second thing that happened was that all the musical groups began using the full range of electric instruments and the technology of electronic amplifiers
8.Industrial music with a dancier edge . it is made mainly with electronic instruments . it has a harder edge , with industrial sounds like bangning metal . examples : nin
受舞曲风格影响的工业音乐,主要由电子乐器制作而成,风格强硬,带有工业音效听起来像砰砰作响的金属。如: nin 。
9.During her time in america , ms wu has daringly expanded the pipa ' s range , playing jazz , bluegrass4 and bollywood5 with eclectic instrumentalists ? and inspiring numerous works from prominent composers
10.If you are willing to pay a little bit extra to the minds of electronic music recordings to find a more appropriate method then you have to make synthesizers sound to the overall feeling of the voice produced startling different
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