These results do not conform to those of the "silvered vessel test" . 上述试验结果与“银瓶试验”的结果相异。
Coagulation - flocculation jar test of water 水的凝聚絮凝瓶试验
Water quality - evaluation in an aqueous medium of the ' ultimate ' aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds - method by analysis of biochemical oxygen demand closed bottle test 水质.用生化需氧量分析法评估水介质中有机化合物最大需氧生物降解能力封瓶试验
Water quality - evaluation of the aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds at low concentrations - shake - flask batch test with surface water or surface water sediment suspensions 水质.评价低浓度有机化合物有氧生物降解能力.地表水或地表水悬浮质泥沙摇瓶试验