| 1. | Agents of the burning legion arrive on azeroth 燃烧军团的特使来到艾泽拉斯 |
| 2. | The ethereals have no care at all for the burning crusade 他们一点儿不在乎燃烧军团的入侵。 |
| 3. | The alliance and horde reach a temporary truce to defeat the legion 联盟与部落暂时休战以对抗燃烧军团 |
| 4. | The order of trisfal is founded to secretly combat the legion 特瑞斯法会成立,与燃烧军团展开秘密的战斗 |
| 5. | To learn more about this new race from the burning crusade , click here 想从燃烧军团获得更多的新种族的资料,请点这里。 |
| 6. | For the burning legion 为了燃烧军团 |
| 7. | With their commander gone , the remainder of the burning legion ' s army was cast into disarray 指挥官阵亡,燃烧军团的余党作鸟兽散。 |
| 8. | Even the massive force gathered at the base of the mountain could not stop the demons ' climb 甚至连在山下集结的主力军团都无法阻挡燃烧军团的前进。 |
| 9. | With their commander gone , the remainder of the burning legion ' s army was cast into disarray 由于指挥官的死亡,剩下的燃烧军团的士兵陷入了混乱之中。 |
| 10. | No force on this world or beyond harbors the strength to bend our knee . . . not even the mighty legion 诸界之上没有人能让我们低头屈膝… …即使是强大的燃烧军团! |