[ mǎnyǎn ] 1.(充满眼晴) have one's eyes filled with 短语和例子 满眼泪花 eyes filled with tears; 瓶盖砰地一声打开, 喷得他满眼都是矿泉水。 the bottle cap popped off and he got an eyeful of seltzer.2.(充满视野) meet the eyes on every side 短语和例子 满眼的山花 mountain flowers greeting the eye everywhere
满眼的山花: mountain flowers greeting the eye everywhere
Example Sentences:
The bottle cap popped off and he got an eyeful of seltzer . 瓶盖砰地一声打开,喷得他满眼都是矿泉水。
When i could look about, i could see nothing but distress round us . 我向四周一望,满眼都是痛心的惨状。
"get up his strength!" said tess impetuously, the tears welling to her eyes . “养养神儿”?特丝满眼都是泪,疾言厉声地说。
The boss turned to her with his mouth full, his eyes charged with serious inquiry . 老板满嘴含着吃的东西,满眼含着郑重其事探询追问的神气转向她。
She turned her eyes, as she rested against the cow, full of sly inquiry upon him . 把头靠在牛肚子上以后,她就满眼含着乖觉隐约的追问神气,转向他。
"you know painters, then? you live in their milieu?" she asked, her eyes full of interest . “这么说你认识画家?你生活在他们的环境里吗?”她满眼兴致地问。
The little plum-tree outside, with the faintly flushed snow lining its boughs and artfully disposed along its trunk, stood in full sunlight . 窗外幼小的梅树一株,正璨璨于满眼晴光之下,枝柯覆雪,风致绝佳。
Tears came into the eyes of retty, the pretty red-haired youngest--the last bud of the parideiles, so important in the county annals . 那个年纪顶轻,有红头发的漂亮莱蒂--蒲利氏最后的一枝骨朵儿,在当地的谱牒上占那样重要的地位--还满眼含泪哪!
The stage of mental comfort to which they had arrived at this hour was one wherein their souls expanded beyond their skins, and spread their personalities warmly through the room . 他们那时所达到的欢畅阶段是:神游身外,脱却形骸,满眼生花,满室生春。
Sitting on that ranch looking at nothing but green 坐在那个牧场,望着满眼的绿色