I know it ' s hard to find quiet time during a particularly busy day , but it ' s so important - even if it ' s just 10 minutes a day and you have to sneak away to get it 我知道在特别忙碌的日子找到安静的时间很难,然而这很重要? ?即使一天只有10分钟,你也要溜开抓住它。
I repented having tried this second entrance , and was almost inclined to slip away before he finished cursing , but ere i could execute that intention , he ordered me in , and shut and refastened the door 我很后悔曾想从这第二个门里进去,他还没咒骂完,我已经想溜开了,可是我还没能照这个打算做,他就命令我进去,把门关上,上了锁。
So then we was pretty scared , and made up an agreement that we wouldn t have nothing in the world to do with such actions , and if we ever got the least show we would give them the cold shake and clear out and leave them behind 所以我们吓得不轻,我们商定了,走遍天下,也决不跟这样的胡作非为沾上一点点儿的边。并且讲定,只要一有机会,我们就会给他们一个冷不防,马上溜开,把他们甩掉。