Related Translations:
学术思想浅谈: an approach to academic thinking of yin shan zheng yao
浅谈同声传译: a brief study of simultaneous interpretation
浅谈外来词的翻译: on translation techniques of loan words
浅谈英语词汇教学: simply talking about english vocabulary teaching
大学生创业教育浅谈: on the enterprise education for college students
浅谈英汉完成体: shallow discussion about english and chinese perfective aspect
浅谈细水雾灭火系统: prpbe on th outfire system with fine watr fog
浅谈大学英语写作训练方法: a three- stage training method of english writing
浅谈英语阅读理解的技巧: superficial discussion on the skills of english reading comprehension