| 1. | We feel the presence of the vastness . 我们都能觉得面对着无边洪蒙。 |
| 2. | I wrote humboldt a long fan letter . 我给洪堡写了一封表示崇敬的长信。 |
| 3. | It struck me that i had sinned against humboldt . 我觉得自己有负于洪堡。 |
| 4. | His friend humboldt was his substitute . 他的朋友洪堡接替了他。 |
| 5. | Yes, humboldt's words were impeccable . 的确,洪堡的遣词用字是无可指责的。 |
| 6. | Humboldt held the money against me . 洪堡以钱为借口攻击我。 |
| 7. | Humboldt wanted to drape the world in radiance . 洪堡想把世界装饰得光彩夺目。 |
| 8. | Hong explained why she had not answered the phone . 洪解释了为什么没有接电话。 |
| 9. | Humboldt was just what everyone had been waiting for . 洪堡正是人们盼望的人物。 |
| 10. | Each day humboodt gave himself a perfunctory shave . 洪堡每天都是马马虎虎地刮刮脸。 |