Earthy taste . special taste resulting from the type of soil on which the grapes were grown 泥土味:由栽培葡萄的土壤类型所赋予葡萄酒的特殊口味。
I should first admit my reading prejudices . i am a city dweller through and through whose romantic fantasies of country life were destroyed when i was sent to till the land outside beijing for one year . there is a gulf between me and the rural novel ; the very smell of soil makes me yawn 先要声明我的阅读偏见:因为彻底是城市人,到北京郊区下乡一年更破了原先对田园诗意的幻想,我一向对农村小说隔膜,闻见泥土味就打呵欠,见到“王富贵进了李有才家,先蹲下了”或者“男人咂吧着烟袋,眯缝着眼看着婆娘大奶子一颠一颠地在灶间忙活着”这样的句子就倒胃。