He kept slipping on the greasy pavement . 他走在油光光的路上,不断地滑得直要跌倒。
Waves of hair cluster on his brow. his hair is cropped closely at the back, and glows with oil . 他前额的上面是一大堆鬈发,后面剪得很短,油光光的。
The water was level and easy, soft blue, the grass brilliant, spattered with wildflowers . 水面平伏无波,一片浅蓝色。青草翠绿油光,间杂着野花朵朵。
A smile oozed out on gradman's face, greasy with countless mutton-chops, the smile of a man who sits all day . 格拉德曼那张被无数羊肉片养得油光刷亮的脸上挤出一点微笑来,那是一个成天伏案的人的微笑。
Here you go , all polished and everything 都准备好了,擦得油光铮亮
The old - fashioned chairs were very bright , and the walnut - wood table was like a looking - glass 老式椅子油光锃亮,那张胡桃木桌子象面穿衣镜。
A successful prediction on abnormal wear failure of aero - engine through the soap technique 应用滑油光谱监控技术成功预报的一起航空发动机异常磨损故障
We eat , we are lucky , our faces are shining with fat , but we don ' t know the pleasure of being hungry any more 我们有饭吃,我们很幸运,我们的脸上泛着油光,但我们已经不再知道饥饿的快乐了。
The application of time - series modeling and forecasting method to the spectral analysis for lubricating oil of mechanical equipment is discussed 讨论了时序建模与预测方法在机械设备滑油光谱分析中的应用。
Balance & control oil : brand new oil control factor , balance grease secretion on oily skin part , improve rough pore and oily skin 全新控油平衡因子,均衡多油部位的油脂分泌,解决毛孔粗大和面部泛油光的问题。