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English translation for "水拭"


Related Translations:
拭布:  wiping clothwiping rags
拭挖:  test-pit digging
拭除:  erase
拭金石:  lydite
拭去:  wipe
拭泪:  wipe away tears
拭掘:  sinking
拭抹:  swab
拭干眼泪:  dry one's eyes
外科拭子:  surgical swab
Example Sentences:
1.Bedding mattresses and pillows with plastic covers can be wiped with a 1 : 99 diluted household bleach solution
如床褥及枕头附有胶套,可用1 : 99稀释家用漂白水拭抹。
2.Wipe the rim , seat and lid of the toilet bowl with a 1 : 99 diluted household bleach solution , rinse with water and then wipe dry
厕座边厕板和厕盖应以1 : 99稀释家用漂白水拭抹,其后用清水拭抹乾净及抹乾。
3.For general cleaning , use a diluted bleach solution 1 part bleach : 99 parts water . rewipe with a towel soaked in clean water
一般的清洁,用1 : 99即1份家用漂白水加入99份清水的稀释家用漂白水拭抹一次,再用清水拭抹。
4.Wipe lift cars and escalators , particularly the call buttons and handrails with a 1 : 99 diluted household bleach solution at least four times a day
升降机内部及扶手电梯应以1 : 99稀释家用漂白水拭抹,最少每天四次,特别注意按钮及扶手。
5.Wash and wipe chairs , resting areas and other facilities used by the public in the hotel and public toilets with a 1 : 99 diluted household bleach solution at least four times a day
酒店及公共厕所的公用设施,如座椅休憩空间等,应以1 : 99稀释家用漂白水拭抹,最少每天四次。
6.Wipe furniture and household facilities with a diluted household bleach solution in the ratio of 1 : 99 1 part of household bleach mixed with 99 parts of water at least once a day . then rinse with water and wipe dry
每天最少一次用1 : 99即把1份家用漂白水混和99份清水的稀释家用漂白水拭抹家具及设施,然后用清水洗及抹乾。
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