The writing of regular script in sui and tang five dynasties 隋唐五代碑志楷书的书写状况
Poem of the tiao river in running script northern song zhao ji 赵佶楷书闰中秋月诗帖页
16x16 bitmap fonts for eten chinese systems 24x24 bitmap fonts for eten chinese systems paid 24x24之楷书体隶书体行书体点阵字型案赵家俊制作
At the end of the eastern han dynasty ( 25 - 200 ) , a new form of handwriting , standard script , came into being . the initiator of standard characters was zhong yao 中国东汉( 25 - - 220 )末年,一种新的汉字字体:楷书出现了。图为楷书的创始人钟繇。
The regular scripts of ou yangxun , yan zhenqing and liu gongquan stand for the great achievements in the early , prosperous and late periods of tang dynasty respectively 摘要欧阳询、颜真卿、柳公权的楷书分别代表了初唐、盛唐、晚唐三个不同时期的楷书成就。
During their long history of development , chinese characters have evolved into many different script forms , such as the seal character , offical script , regular script and running script 汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的书写形式,例如篆书,隶书,楷书和行书
Formation of the three different forms of regular script is not only related to the developing situation of the society at that time , but also has some connections with then aesthetic taste 这三种楷书形态的形成既与当时的社会发展现状有关,又与当时的审美情趣有关。
Brother chen used to work in construction and carpentry . he is also an avid reader and a great calligrapher . hanging on the walls of his home are many calligraphic works that he created in various cursive and angular styles 陈师兄以前从事建筑木工的工作,本身也博览群书,并能写一手好字,家中墙上一幅幅的楷书行书及行草,莫不出自其手。
During their long history of development chinese characters have evolved and been written into many different artistic styles , including inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells and ancient bronze objects , the seal character , official script , regular script , running script and cursive script 汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的艺术形式,其中包括甲骨铭文、青铜器铭文、篆书、隶书、楷书、行书和草书。
11 during their long history of development , chinese characters have evolved and been written in many different artistic styles , including inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells and ancient bronze objects , the seal character , official character , regular script , running script , and cursive script 11汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的艺术形式,其中包括甲骨铭文、青铜器铭文、篆书、隶书、楷书、行书和草书。