| 1. | They are relatively immune to hazards of nuclear warfare . 它们相对地免受核战争的危险。 |
| 2. | It is frightening even to think of the horrors of nuclear war . 核战争的恐怖状况连想都不敢想。 |
| 3. | Like kennedy, he mused about the perils of nuclear war . 同肯尼迪一样,他念念不忘核战争的危险。 |
| 4. | A conventional skirmish would escalate into a nuclear exchange . 传统的小规模战斗更有可能逐步升级为核战争。 |
| 5. | He would have no qualms about using missiles to unleash a nuclear war . 他会毫无顾忌地利用火箭发动一场核战争。 |
| 6. | We 'll never be intimidated by war threats , including nuclear war threats . 我们决不会被战争威胁包括核战争威胁所吓倒。 |
| 7. | How to avoid nuclear war without succumbing to nuclear blackmail is the overwhelming problem of our age . 如何避免核战争而又不屈服于核讹诈是我们时代的当务之急。 |
| 8. | The most talked about limited nuclear war scenario takes the form of a "counterforce" attack . 人们谈得最多的有限核战争方式是发动一场所谓“针对军事力量”的袭击。 |
| 9. | By a series of carefully hedged conditions, the avoidance of nuclear war became an objective rather than an obligation . 经过对条款的层层斟酌删削,避免核战争便成为一个目标而不是一项义务了。 |
| 10. | As that occasion demonstrated, the danger of nuclear war are repelled not by a document but by strength, resolve, and determined diplomacy . 正如那一次所表明的,核战争的危险要由力量,意志和果断的外交来消除,而不是靠一纸空文。 |