Her head ached as she looked forward to the dull monotony of life . 当她展望自己一生的枯寂时,她感到头疼。
The weeks passed and the months, the winter came upon her more dreary than she had ever known it . 一星期一星期过去了,一个月一个月接踵消逝;冬天来到她身边,比以往的每个冬季都更枯寂。
Well , we might have to feature it in some way if necessary : it s magnificent with no lack of tender ; it s loosely simple but with no short of greenery ; it s deeply dense but also has broad views , and it appears steep and sharp where the very charming remains . . 但一涉及何谓雁荡的山水精神和美学风格,却叉令人颇费踌躇。雄奇而不失蕴藉,散淡而不显枯寂,幽深外复有畅旷,险峻处也带秀丽雁荡山太大了,大到足以包容一切。