| 1. | Foreigners have spies; britain has military intelligence . 外国派有间谍;英国设有军事情报局来对付。 |
| 2. | The ram jet provides a series of hard thrust, with coasts in between . 冲压发动机产生一系列的强推力,而在两次推力之间有间断。 |
| 3. | There is a new movie theater open around the corner 有间新电影院在附近开张了。 |
| 4. | You did ? - yeah , they got a loft upstairs 哦,真的吗? -是啊,他们楼上有间阁楼 |
| 5. | At least you ' ll get a cell to yourself , laundry 在这里你至少有间房,有洗衣店 |
| 6. | Do not leave gaps in your study plan 学习计划在时间上要有连续性,不能有间断。 |
| 7. | There ' s a bar under there , sit with other people 有间酒吧,你跟人们坐在一块. . |
| 8. | To a mission 13 miles from here . - what for -离这里13英里有间教堂-去那干嘛? |
| 9. | - you did ? - yeah , they got a loft upstairs -哦,真的吗? -是啊,他们楼上有间阁楼 |
| 10. | L don ' t know . there ' s this art school in barcelona 嗯. . .巴塞隆纳有间艺术学校 |