| 1. | These words were exscinded from the text . 这些话从文中被删去了。 |
| 2. | In the following paragraphs i have paraphrased, in part, the comments of lofu . 我在下文中有一部分转述了洛甫的话。 |
| 3. | The state of knowledge in this field has been surveyed periodically in review papers . 在一些评论文中对这一领域的动态周期性地进行了评述。 |
| 4. | They have been repelled by the apparent sophistry of parts of his essay on "civil disobedience" . 对他在《论公民的不服从》一文中某些显而易见的诡辩,他们颇有反感。 |
| 5. | His defects have been mercilessly indicated by mark twain in the essay entitled "fenimore cooper's literary offences" . 马克吐温在《库珀创作上的大病》一文中毫不客气地指出过他的缺点。 |
| 6. | In what follows, the level of national income, or y, will be measured in current prices (not adjusted for inflation) . 在下文中,国民收入水平,即Y,将按现行价格(对通货膨胀未作调整)计量。 |
| 7. | This is a most useful form of the harmonic oscillator hamiltonian and it will be encountered in several subsequent developments . 这是谐振子哈密顿算符最有用的形式,在下文中还会碰到这个表达式。 |
| 8. | Examples are included for sax and dom parsers 文中包含了sax和dom解析器的示例。 |
| 9. | The added two syllable words in dunhuang votive texts 敦煌愿文中的名词加缀双音词 |
| 10. | The thesis just makes some correlative discussion 文中只是进行了相关的探讨。 |