整: Ⅰ形容词1.(全部在内; 完整) whole; all; complete 短语和例子整日整夜 the whole day and night; 整个世界 all the world ; 整整一打 a full dozen; 整部小说 the entire novel; 十二点整 twelve o'clock sharp; 完整的句子 a complete sentence
留: Ⅰ动词1.(停止在某处不动; 不离去) remain; stay 短语和例子久留 stay long; 领导指示我们留在原地不动。 the leadership instructed us to remain where we were. 今天我不出去了, 我留在家里工作。 i won't go out today; i'll stay in and work.2.(使留;