Hotel dining there are all kinds of 7 big or small luxurious boxes , 20 desks of extra seat , in the restaurant , providing first - class dish taste , all kinds of cuisine , chinese and western masterpiece table delicacies and pollution - free food newly 中海大酒店中餐宴会厅是您宴请宾客的绝佳场所,餐厅拥有各类大小豪华包厢7个,散座20桌,菜点口味一流,新派各类菜式中西精品美食和绿色食品,让您大快朵颐。
Hotel have executive suite , senior commercial affair a different kinds of 229 guest rooms , such as house , etc . s gold suit . manage guangdong dish , guangxi national speciality and western - style food with unique flavor . consist of the banquet hall , function room , meeting room , commercial center , health recreation center with complete function 除大厅400个散座外,更有20个可容10人80人不等的卡拉ok包厢,无论是与客户共进早餐,还是与亲朋好友慢斟细酌,商务应酬或宴会,金都大酒店的中西佳肴必能满足您的需求,光临金都大酒店将是您高贵身份的象征。