| 1. | Getting food to the famine victims is a priority for the relief workers 为饥荒难民提供食物是救灾人员的首要工作。 |
| 2. | Getting food to the famine victims is a priority for the relief workers 为饥荒难民提供食品食物是救灾人员的重要工作。 |
| 3. | Also , another team was created to provide helpful information to other aid workers via a radio broadcast 此外,另一组同修则透过电台广播,提供灾情讯息给其他单位的救灾人员。 |
| 4. | Firefighters from the nearby u . s . post helped local emergency services extinguish the flames , which caused millions of euros in damage 来自附近美军驻地的消防队,协助当地救灾人员扑灭了这场造成数百万欧元损失的大火。 |
| 5. | One woman who was a local relief worker had listened to the initiates radio broadcast with much interest and thus volunteered to help on the relief team 救灾人员中有一位女士,她在收听了同修于电台所播放的灾情消息后,对灾民非常关心,因而志愿叁与同修的救灾工作。 |
| 6. | As they traveled , the initiates saw a vast landscape of valleys , hills and mountains colored black and gray , the legacy of the awesome flames . . at the high school , the evacuated families were housed in the gymnasium 疏散至山谷中心高中的灾民,暂时被安置在体育馆里,在救灾人员及志工的协助下,同修很快地将捐赠的物品搬到储存室。 |
| 7. | Then the fellow initiates rapidly carried the donations to a nearby storehouse . the crew wasted no time in recording the activities and in interviewing relief workers , one of whom expressed her thanks to master ching hai for her loving works 节目制作小组迅速拍下整个活动过程,并采访了几位救灾人员,其中一位表达她的感激之意,谢谢我们敬爱的师父及我们的爱心义举。 |
| 8. | World food program asian regional director tony banbury says relief workers are still supplying basic necessities to devastated communities , but governments and organizations are starting to think of restoring of homes and livelihoods 世界粮食计划署的亚洲地区主任班伯里说,救灾人员继续向灾区提供基本必需品,但是政府和一些组织已经开始考虑帮助灾民重建家园,恢复他们的正常生活。 |
| 9. | After the wtc attack , the supreme master ching hai international association set up two supply stations only two streets away from ground zero , working in shifts from early morning to midnight , providing a constant supply of food and drinks to the rescue workers 清海无上师世界会自世贸遇袭后便深入到距离救难现场仅两条街处,设置两处补给摊位,每天从清晨到深夜不断轮班为救灾人员递送粮食饮水。 |
| 10. | But through masters love and blessings , and keeping her principle of positive thinking in mind , they decided to go ahead with the project anyway , saying , well , well just do it and pray to master for help . so they traveled to qualcomm stadium , wearing yellow and green vests bearing the words the san diego rescue team of the supreme master ching hai international association , and were ushered through several checkpoints by other rescue workers and the centers security guards 尽管我们后来得知疏散中心不接受食物捐赠,但是在师父的爱力加持下,我们提醒自己要保持肯定的想法,因此下定决心,无论如何都要按计画行事。同修穿上印有清海无上师世界会圣地牙哥救难队字样的黄绿色背心,来到qualcomm体育场时,我们顺利通过了各检查岗哨,并且受到疏散中心救灾人员与警卫的欢迎,他们告知我们卸放食物的地方,然后开车载我们去拜会美国红十字会的代表。 |