| 1. | She lives a long way from home . 她远远地离开故乡在外地生活。 |
| 2. | Beijing is for us an old and nostalgic home . 北京对我们来说是令人怀念的故乡。 |
| 3. | My hometown had changed so much that i could hardly recognize it . 我几乎认不出故乡来了。 |
| 4. | I am scarcely infatuated with the sweetness of my native air . 故乡甜蜜的空气很难使我迷恋。 |
| 5. | Tropical america is the home of several other pine species . 热带美洲是另外几个松树种的故乡。 |
| 6. | It was like my own marsh country, flat and monotonous . 这地方很象我故乡的沼地,景色单调,索然无趣。 |
| 7. | He needs no longer weigh reasons for and against his emigration . 他不必再去考虑要不要离开故乡的问题了。 |
| 8. | She falls down on her knees, and entreats him to restore her to the mountains . 她双膝下跪,哀求他放她回到故乡山里去。 |
| 9. | I have no doubt that "mithura" will thrive in its second home in china . 我深信,"米杜拉"将在它的第二故乡中国健壮成长。 |
| 10. | I left my native land and started on a voyage across the atlantic to the new world . 我离开了故乡,横渡大西洋航行到“新世界”去。 |