支前模范民兵连: model militia company in supporting the front
Example Sentences:
Model militia company in supporting the front 支前模范民兵连
Model company in supporting the front 支前模范连
12 players arguing it didn ' t ? and the sight of former world and european champions falling out said something . not much according to their coach 但据法国队主教练所说,事实并非如此,这支前世界杯、欧锦赛双料冠军此刻争吵的情景就能说明这一点。
An aggressive species of west african mantis in defensive stance , with " eyespots " on forelimbs that suggest she is much bigger than she is 颇具攻击性的西印度螳螂正摆出一副防御姿势,两支前臂放在眼睛旁边,好像在暗示对手它其实比自己看起来更强大。
Ferdinand is hugely self - confident but aware of scope for improvement , and the sight of team - mates bursting into the training - ground reception to tease him tells of the camaraderie among a predominantly young squad 费迪南德非常的自信,但他知道这一切的改善,在训练场上大家会亲密的调笑,在这支前途无量的青年军中到处洋溢着兄弟的情谊。