No one should benefit from the activity of their union without paying dues to it . 任何人如果不支付会费就不应从工会活动中捞取好处。
We still skim the backwaters of ponds and streams for the seed of betula, acer salix and populus species . 我们仍然要在池塘的静水上和溪流中捞取桦木,槭树、杨、柳等树的种子。
He stole money under colour of making investments for clients 他们以给委托人办投资作为幌子捞取钱财。
The cuttings collected from the shale shaker should be cleaned before fluorescence analysis 从震动筛捞取的岩屑洗净后再作荧光分析。
Model lb fishing cup is a practical and effective tool . during drilling operation , it can be used to recover the heavier drilling cuttings or metal chips which are difficult to be lifted out of the borehole by normal drillig fluid circulation 它是用来捞取钻井过程中正常的泥浆循环无法带出井眼的较重钻屑或金属碎屑的一种实用有效的随钻工具。
As soon as they saw the imperial weather - cock shifting to one quarter the whole swarm of these drones began buzzing away in the direction , making it more difficult for the tsar to shift his course back again 这一派的所有人都在捞取卢布勋章和官位。在这种追逐中只随着帝王恩宠的风向标转动,只要一发现风向标指向那一方向,结果却更难把风向标扭向另一方。