Work swiftly , but don ' t tense up ; relax your body and mind and never tighten up 34应该忙中有序的赶工作,不要紧张兮兮的抢时间。
The qiuck attack ' s main purpose is to race against time , realize assaulting , carry off and take the initiative , and then win 摘要快速的主要目的在于抢时间,实现突击,夺得主动,进而取胜。
It was now , i realized , a fight against time : if i could keep this solitary specimen alive until i reached england , i felt sure that i could find something it would eat 我意识到这是在抢时间:如果到达英国时我能使这孤独的标本不死去的话,那么我敢肯定能找到它会吃的东西。
Taichung due to a breakdown in telecommunications after a massive earthquake that struck central formosa on september 21 , we learned from indirect sources that master had called from overseas expressing her great concern about the victims of the disaster and the safety of fellow practitioners 台中讯地震过后,由于电讯中断,我们辗转获知师父早已透过越洋电话关切灾民情形及同修安危,并指示即刻成立赈灾中心,抢时间迅速将灾民所需物资送达。
Most lets the will of the people hang is two vehicles meets , this roadlooks like on had not thought from the start must let two vehiclesmeet one another , the majority only has a vehicle the width , the pilothas the rich experience , looks carefully in all directions , isvigilant , item ten miles , are at the same time calm should in front ofthe cross - eye trouble , at the same time when also has to foreseeopposite party vehicle to be able to meet one another in where , whether the vehicle does have to stop in advance in some waiting , orsnatches the time relatively to open n staggers 最让人心悬的就是两车相会,这条路好像就压根没想过要让两车相遇,大多数只有一车的宽度,驾驶员得有丰富的经验,眼观六路、耳听八方,一目十里,一边沉着应对眼前的麻烦,一边还得预见对方的车何时会在何地相遇,车是否要预停在某地等待,还是抢时间在相对开?地错开?