球面投影: azimuthal orthomorphic projectionbutton type projectionglobular projectionspherical projectionstereographic projectionstereoprojection
Example Sentences:
Finally a review on the led illumination optics for projectors and development of led dedicated for projectors will be given 并对目前以发光二极体作为投影光源之照明光学系统以及针对投影照明应用相关发光二极体之发展作一回顾。
This paper starts from the introduction of projector illumination optics and then illustrates the merit and drawback of exploiting led as the light source for projection displays by comparing led with traditional projector lamps 本文将介绍投影机之照明光学系统,再将发光二极体作为投影光源之优缺点,和传统投影光源比较加以阐述。