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English translation for "戴上面具"

wearing masks

Related Translations:
戴上:  don; put on 短语和例子戴上镣铐 in irons; 干吗不戴上帽子? why don't you put on your cap? 他穿上工作服, 戴上柳条帽。 he donned work clothes and a wicker helmet
戴上安全帽:  put on your helmet
戴上镜子:  put on one's glasses
戴上手套:  put on one's gloves
急忙戴上:  slip something on
戴上镣铐:  be shackledbe in chains
戴上眼镜:  put one’s spectacles on
戴上口罩:  28.wear a respirator
戴上保险套:  putting on the condom
请戴上安全帽:  put on your safety helmet please
Example Sentences:
1.He wore a mask , so that no one should recognize him
2.What did you go put on a big act for ? - because i am boring
-你什么要给自己戴上面具呢? -因为我很无聊
3.All right , everyone , masks on
4.Must we wear the masks
5.And on halloween night we ' d dress up in mom or dad ' s old shoes and clothes , put on a mask , and be ready to go outside
6.The woman did not have a mask to hide her pure beauty and her golden dress swept the air behind her as she danced
7.Master , in one of the news magazines recently , you said at the beginning that there was no maya , only the buddha wearing a mask to be the maya
8.When wearers don masks they lose their previous identity and assume that of the spirit depicted on the mask , be it a revered ancestor or a demon
9.The modern customs of candy and costume are rooted in medieval england . to avoid being recognized by the visiting spirits , people would dress up in masks whenever they left home
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