The morning after her death, reuben butler went to offer his mite of consolation to his old friend and benefactor . 她去世的第二天早晨,鲁本巴特勒来到他老朋友与恩人那里,向他表示慰唁。
The morning after her death , reuben butler went to offer his mite of consolation to his old friend and benefactor 她去世的第二天早晨,鲁本?巴特勒来到他老朋友与恩人那里,向他表示慰唁。
We mourn for the members of the armed forces who have sacrificed their lives , and extend our deepest sympathies to their families 我们哀悼那些献出自己的生命的军人,并向他们的家属表达最深切的慰唁。
In the broadcast , bremer said the iraqi people could speed up the process by helping the iraqi governing council , the iraqi police and the coalition forces identify and arrest saboteurs 他们在巨大的危险面前表现出大无畏的精神和专业的素质。我们哀悼那些献出自己生命的军人,并向他们的家属表达最深切的慰唁。