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Home > chinese-english > "怨女旷夫" in English

English translation for "怨女旷夫"

a grieving maid and a desolate man -- a woman without a husband and a man without a wife

Related Translations:
怨女:  rouge of the north
怨女情痴:  a woman's love
怨女星:  82 alkmene
旷夫怨女:  bachelors and spinsters; an unmarried man and an unmarried woman
旷男怨女:  men and women of marriageable age but unmarried
怨女春曲:  duet for one
怨女痴男:  two for the seesaw
痴男怨女:  languishing youths and unhappy maidens -- young men and wowen who are deeply in love but unable to fufil their passion; amorous youths and languishing maidens
怨女望夫归:  the great separation
:  Ⅰ形容词1.(空而宽阔) vast; spacious 短语和例子地旷人稀 a vast territory with a sparse population2.(心境开阔) free from worries and petty ideas 短语和例子心旷神怡 carefree and happy3.(间隙过大; 过于肥大) loose-fitting 短语和例子这身衣服
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