| 1. | Evaluation the integrated intervention on std aids prevention among female csws of chengducity 成都市女性性工作者性病艾滋病综合干预效果评价 |
| 2. | Don ‘ t waste your time on a man / woman , who isn ‘ t willing to waste their time on you 不要为那些性工作者不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 |
| 3. | Jana persuaded them to form a growing collective that now includes 60 , 000 members pledged to condom use 迦纳说服性工作者组成团体,这个团体不断成长,现在已经有六万名成员,成员保证自己都会使用保险套。 |
| 4. | What are the most effective ways to guarantee that msm , migrants , sw and other risk groups have access to reliable and affordable std services 如何保证让男男同性恋者、流动人口、性工作者等高危人群获得可信的可负担的性病诊疗服务 |
| 5. | Among csws under medication at the anyue cdc , the std of about 20 % - 30 % failed to get cured or even become worse due to medication errors 在安岳县疾控中心就诊的女性性工作者中,大约有20 30属于用药错误而使性病久治不愈甚至加重。 |
| 6. | How can we create an effective platform for information exchange among target groups ( msm , migrants , sw and pha ) without creating social stigma 如何为目标人群(例如男男同性恋者、流动人口、性工作者、感染者)创造一个有效同时规避社会歧视的信息交流平台 |
| 7. | How can we best utilize the current resources available in china to implement behavioral surveys of msm , sw and migrants ? and how can we fully utilize the data collected 如何利用现有的资源开展针对男同性恋,性工作者和流动人口的行为调查?如何充分利用收集的调查信息指导开展活动 |
| 8. | It is important to estalish prize to award personals whom conducted researches , wrote investigations , and who created attest products to advocate social equality and to fight against hiv / aids related discrimination and stigma 须大张旗鼓反对所有与艾滋病有关的社会歧视(包括反对对艾滋病人、对病毒携带者、对吸毒者、对性工作者、对同性恋者、对艾滋病人家属和孤儿的歧视) 。 |
| 9. | The group prisoned in correctional settings like drug users centers , the people with low education , and druge use women should be given special emphasis 2 . prevention program should aim the target population better , paying more attention to effectiveness 在资金和专业力量投入、宣传内容和宣传方法上,更加侧重被监禁群休、吸毒群休、和文化程度较低的群体,对其中少数民族和女性性工作者给予特殊重视。 |