| 1. | Interest in breed shows increased , as did membership in the sv 更多的人关注德牧的展赛,加入了sv 。 |
| 2. | Other countries had discovered the gsd ' s many abilities , and used them extensively 其他国家也发现了很多德牧的功用,它(终于)被广泛地应用了。 |
| 3. | They are moderate shedders , not enthusiastic ones such as alaskan malamutes or german shepherd dogs 拉拉脱毛量适中,不象阿拉斯加雪撬或德牧那么厉害。 |
| 4. | The army finally recognized the usefulness of german shepherd dogs during the first world war (特别是德国)军方在第一次世界大战期间认可了德牧的功用。 |
| 5. | After donating several dogs to policemen , their usefulness as police dogs was demonstrated 在上校向警方捐赠了几只德牧;警方试用后,德牧作为警犬的能力得到证实。 |
| 6. | Kunming dogs are similar in appearance to german shepherd dogs but stand taller in the back and have a shorter coat 昆明犬与德牧外形近似,被毛更短,而且站立时体背更高。 |
| 7. | They served many functions : messengers , tracking the position of wounded soldiers , sentry and guard dogs , and patrol dogs signaling enemy presence (这些军用德牧)它们可以用于送信、寻找伤员、警戒、用于巡逻以发现敌人等工作。 |
| 8. | Captain von stephanitz worked tirelessly to improve the breed , and to look for other ways the german shepherd could be useful to mankind [范?斯迪芬尼茨上校为了优化(德牧)品种不知疲倦的工作着,同时也不断开发德牧对于人类新的功用。 |
| 9. | It appears that the “ german ” german shepherd dog is going to follow the “ american ” german shepherd dog in its downhill slide toward total uselessness as a working breed 作为一种工作犬,德国的德国牧羊犬似乎正在跟随他的美(国)系展示型德牧一道向背离实用性的方向发展。 |
| 10. | Am - bred gsds have been demonstrating to the world how dangerous and unreliable a breed can become after several years of inbreeding has ruined the nervous system 美系德牧的现状正在向世界显示,一个犬种在经过若干年的近亲繁殖从而破坏了神经系统之后,将会变的何等危险和不可靠。 |