1955 , in eastman color , is one of the hong kong films shot in japan during the 1950s 当年海棠红1955摄制队往日本取经拍摄伊士曼彩色片。
1955 ) , in eastman color , is one of the hong kong films shot in japan during the 1950s 当年《海棠红》 ( 1955 )摄制队往日本取经拍摄伊士曼彩色片。
The territory s first sound movie , first colour movie , and first mandarin movie were produced in the 30s 我们的第一部有声片彩色片和国语对白影片都是这个年代的制作。
The exposed colour negative had to be dispatched to japan , england or west germany for processing , adding to the expense of production . in 1959 , two most successful films at the box office were the kingdom and the beauty 1959年高踞宝座纪录的两部电影江山美人和翔凤舞都是瑰丽的彩色片,说明单纯黑白的影像世界已不能再轻易地满足本地观众。
Zhang went on to create his own production company , hsin hwa motion picture company , fostering exchanges with japan and learning the art of colour photography . in 1956 , hsin hwa s songs of the peach blossom river taohua jiang 张善琨则重组新华公司,多次带队远赴日本学习拍摄彩色片, 1956年更以桃花江开启了国语歌唱喜剧片的风气之先,小野猫锺情亦因而红极一时。
Colour films , on the other hand , had to be sent to japan for processing which took a month s time back and fro . and the subsequent month spent on editing also added a prohibitive amount of time to an already lengthy post - production period 当年彩色片都要寄往日本冲印,一来一回往往会花上一个月时间寄回来的片又需要一个月时间剪接,前后加起来制作时间会延长很多,因此很少拍彩色片。
The audience was dazzled by rich doses of melodramatic realist , martial arts , comedy , and cantonese opera films , to name but a few . for the first time , the monotonous black and white screen was livening up by the emergence of 3 - d , scope and colour films 伦理写实片武侠片喜剧粤曲歌唱片令人目不暇给而立体电影阔银幕电影和彩色片的出现,亦令当时以黑白电影为主的电影世界更形缤纷有趣。