[ yǐnjīngjùdiǎn ] copiously quote authoritative works; cite from the classics or ancient works; give chapter and verse; give quotations from classics [ancient works]; make classical allusions; quote (some) adage; quote from the best authors; quote from the classics to prove a point; quote the classics; speak by the book
His sermons were delivered without book . 他的讲道文从不引经据典。
He battered him with authorities . 他引经据典地对他实行重炮轰击。
He quoted, "this castle hath a pleasant seat. also, the heaven's breath smells wooingly here! " 他引经据典地说:“这座城堡的处所何等壮美,苍天的气息令人心醉!
Her allusive style is difficult to follow 她引经据典的风格晦涩难懂
The young schoolboy can not understand the allusive conversation of intellectual men 这个年轻的学生听不懂文人们引经据典的谈话。
Their speeches , richly embellished with allusions and quotations , captivated the audience 他们妙文隽语引经据典令听者屏气敛息,拍案叫绝。
He quoted , " this castle hath a pleasant seat . also , the heaven ' s breath smells wooingly here ! 他引经据典地说: “这座城堡的处所何等壮美,苍天的气息令人心醉!
Thus it is not proper for applying his " middle - class " theory to the value judgment of current middle class 故以亚氏的中产阶级理论来引经据典,未必适合对当代中产阶级的价值判断。
Professor yi zhongtian from xiamen university gives a series of lectures on the historical , literary and popular accounts of the three kingdom , peppered with doses of his wit and humour 厦门大学教授易中天引经据典,风趣幽默地讲述三国,颠覆荧屏原有的历史人物。
He animated his conversation with references to ancient parables , guided his decision - making by looking to historical precedence and was obviously slightly out of step with contemporary beijing ' s go - go aesthetic 他和人说起话来常常引经据典,作决定时又很注意借鉴历史经验,这与北京时下流行的美学标准显然有些不合拍。