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English translation for "应对进退"


Related Translations:
进退虚晃动作:  rocker motion
应对:  reply; answer 短语和例子善于应对 good at repartee
应对恐惧:  dealing with fear
应对迅速:  answer up
应对技能:  coping skills
应对策略:  adaptive strategycoping strategy
应对行为:  coping behavior
机智应对:  zinger
应对如流:  give fluent replies; answer the questions without any hitch; dissertation delivered as easily as the flowing of water
共有应对:  shared coping
Example Sentences:
1.It is time for somebody to teach you to behave yourself
2.You don t even know how to be a human yet , let alone to be a saint . you don t know how to be a good friend yet and you want to teach humankind . you don t have enough logic to teach yourself how to have a good manner within the society and you dare to teach anyone
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