| 1. | Main medicinal herbs in golden - mountain - lake campus of huizhou university 惠州学院金山湖校区药用草本植物资源 |
| 2. | Journal of qinzhou university 钦州学院学报 |
| 3. | Journal of binzhou university 滨州学院学报 |
| 4. | Journal of shuzhou college 宿州学院学报 |
| 5. | It is a well - considered issue of founding beipuwan university on the basis of qinzhou university 摘要在钦州学院基础上建立北部湾大学是一个值得思考的问题。 |
| 6. | Based on research achievements , appraisal of experts and scholars and researchers ' feelings , this paper talks about innovative research conception and practice conducted by qiongzhou university 摘要本文结合琼州学院研究海南民族文化的成果,专家、学者对研究成果的评介,以及研究者的体会等,论述学院研究海南民族文化的创新构想与实践。 |
| 7. | The laboratory of science life department of qiongzhou university can do that setting down exactitude management regime , making the best of the existing conditions , combining teaching actively and fulfilling teaching tasks above normally 琼州学院生命科学系的实验室要加强植物基地的建设和管理,充分利用现有的条件,积极的配合教学,超额完成教学任务。 |
| 8. | The situation asks us to take the historical opportunities of opening and reforms , foster import talents in a special way according to the train of thought : " cultivate talents mainly , attract talents assitantly " 惠州学院作为一所地方性本科院校要树立由单一为教学服务向既立足为教学服务又主动为地方经济建设服务的观念,立足“以培养提高为主,引进补充为辅”的思路,超常规培养和引进人才。 |
| 9. | According to the object of the clothing technology & design of higher education , combined the practical teaching experience for 16 years in succession of clothing department of huizhou university , this paper researches on the graduation project teaching practice mode in the clothing technology & design , and provides the suggestion method 摘要针对高等教育服装设计与工程专业培养目标,结合惠州学院服装系连续十六年的毕业设计教学实践经验,就服装设计与工程专业毕业设计的实践教学模式进行了研究,并提出了建议性方案。 |
| 10. | In order to fulfill the tasks of the principles and majorities restructuring of qinzhou university , there is a must to take the steps on the present conditions and summarize the achievement and problems and analyze the advantages and disadvantages ; to realize the restructuring , optimization and building of the current principles and majorities is the factual requirements of guangxi ' s society and economy and the practical needs of qinzhou ' s industrialization and the internal demands of their own development of the principles ; to focus on the distinctions of its regional merits and features 摘要钦州学院学科专业的调整建设,要正视其现状,总结分析以往学科专业建设的成绩与问题、优势与不足;充分认识对现有学科专业进行调整、优化,加强建设,是广西沿海地区经济社会发展的客观要求,钦州产业发展战略目标实施的现实需要,学科自身发展的内在要求;要围绕“创特色、扬优势、强基础、拓领域、组体系”去开展。 |