| 1. | The dilemma of black american women ' s self - seeking 看美国黑人女性寻找自我的两难困境 |
| 2. | Beauty , find thyself in love , not in the flattery of thy mirror 啊,美呀,不要到你镜子的阿谀奉承中,而要到爱中寻找自我吧。 |
| 3. | I dabble in writing poetry but i do it only for my own pleasure , not for publication 我偶尔搞一点诗歌创作,但那仅仅是为了寻找自我乐趣而已,并非为了发表。 |
| 4. | As young people grow up , they continually explore their self - image and try to establish their own value in life 年青人在成长过程中,不断摸索自我形象,寻找自我价值。 |
| 5. | The thing that is really hard , and really amazing , is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself 真正难就难在放弃追求完美,转而寻找自我,这才是真正令人称道之处。 |
| 6. | Television is not real life . in real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs 人生不是学期制,人生没有寒暑假。没有哪个雇主有兴趣帮鳅你寻找自我,请用自己的闲暇做这件事吧。 |
| 7. | Life is not divided into semesters . you don " t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself . do that on your own time 生活里没有学期。你没有慵懒的暑假,鲜有雇主乐于帮你寻找自我。请下了班再找吧。 |
| 8. | Life is not divided into semesters . you don ' t get summers off ? and very few employers are interested in ? helping you find ? yourself . do that on your own time 人生没有学期制,没有暑假。没有哪个雇主有兴趣协助你寻找自我,请用自己的时间做这件事情吧。 |
| 9. | Life is not divided into semesters . you don ‘ t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself . do that on your own time 人生不是学期制,人生没有寒暑假。没有哪个雇主有兴趣帮你寻找自我,请用自己的闲暇来做这件事吧。 |
| 10. | Rule 9life is not divided into semesters . you don ' t getsummers off and very few employers are interested inhelping you find yourself . do that on your own time 人生没有寒暑假。人生不是学期制,没有哪个雇主有兴趣帮你寻找自我,请用自己的时间来做这件事。 |