[ duìzhàng ] (律诗、骈文等按照字音的平仄和字义的虚实做成对偶的语句) (in poetry, etc.) a matching of both sound and sense in two lines, sentences, etc. usu. with the matching words in the same part of speech; antithesis
Example Sentences:
He used elaborate sentences, carefully balanced, and obsolete, resplendent words . 他的句子精心雕琢,用词讲究对仗,好用废字,华丽的字。
The balancing of two contrasting ideas , words , or sentences 对仗:两组相对的思想,言辞,词句的平衡。
Expertly and precisely crafted from the highest quality stainless steel for a lifetime of use 对仗和精工正是从最高品质不? ? ?终生使用
So splendid is the battle , why not use english ? where is the feeling of the english forum 这么精彩的对仗怎么不用英语呢,没点英语论坛的味道!
His sentences are long and well structured , interwoven with parallel words and phrases 他使用的句子一般较长,但结构工整,包含有许多排比,对仗。
At no time and under no circumstances will i be the first to violate others 在任何时候和情况下,我都不会首先冒犯别人。 (虽然翻不出对仗的形式,但意思是很接近的。 )
The doors are pasted with vertical scrolls of characters on red paper with inscriptions seek good luck or happiness 在门两边贴对联,即在大红纸上写上对仗式的美好语言,让大家看着念,以求吉祥或幸福。
Based on 6 . 4 million chars of chinese ancient poetry , the computer aided research system of chinese ancient poems provides a word - based analysis platform of chinese ancient poems . more than 50000 chinese words , including 40814 multi - char words , were extracted from the corpora via statistic method . besides the full text retrieving function , the system also provide word - based statistic analysis , sentence based similarity retrieving , automatic pinyin tagging and some other useful functions to benefit the profound analysis of the chinese ancient poems . the national social science foundation of china 1998 - 1999 funded the project 在对诗文进行词语切分的基础上,建立了词汇的共现关系对仗关系以及词汇的作者分布特征信息。系统除了提供面向诗文内容的全文检索功能外,还进一步开发了基于词汇的统计分析和诗句相似性检索等功能,实现了对全唐诗的自动注音。