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English translation for "官方汇率"

official exchange rate
official rate

Related Translations:
官方机构:  official missionpublic agency
官方机密:  official secrecy
官方秘籍:  chaserwar of burma
官方指示:  official instructions
官方途径:  official channel
官方资料:  teleport pro
官方谈:  vista oem bios
官方用语:  langues officielsofficial languages
国际官方:  icbo = international conference of building officials
官方外汇市场:  official exchange marketofficial foreign exchange market
Example Sentences:
1.In fact dollars are changing hands for far more than the official rate
2.Outside of this period , the convertibility undertaking had been activated once , on 30 april
7 . 8官方汇率的水平。在报告期以外,曾于
3.The price per copy is 4 , 000 zimbabwean dollars , or 68 cents at the official exchange rate
4.A similar trick is used to calculate a notional exchange rate for the venezuelan bolivar , fixed by government since 2003
5.But the deviation , small as it was , signified a degree of instability , particularly to financial market participants
6.Six months after its sudden strengthening in september last year , the market exchange rate of the hong kong dollar has returned to something nearer the official rate of hk 7 . 80 to one us dollar
去年9月港元汇率突然转强,至今已回复至接近7 . 80港元兑1美元的官方汇率水平。
7.Floating rate is made show central bank does not rule one country the official exchange rate of native money and money of his home products , resigned exchange rate is decided initiatively by foreign currency market
Similar Words:
"官方公证人" English translation, "官方关系" English translation, "官方过磅员" English translation, "官方航线指南" English translation, "官方汇价" English translation, "官方汇率,法定汇率" English translation, "官方机构" English translation, "官方机密" English translation, "官方机密电码" English translation, "官方机密条例" English translation