| 1. | Mianhuadao in ganjingzi district , dalian with a built - up area of 13 , 900 大连市甘井子区棉花 |
| 2. | Tianshuitao in ganjingzi district , dalian 大连市甘井子区甜水套 |
| 3. | Gezhenbao of ganjinzi district in dalian 大连市甘井子区革镇堡 |
| 4. | Study on the character of marine sediment basin in the mid - yangtze area 中扬子区海相沉积盆地性质研究 |
| 5. | Cloning and primarily detecting the function of the promoter region of 1基因启动子区的克隆和初步的功能分析 |
| 6. | Lrp15 gene promoter region methylation and its expression in acute leukemia 15基因启动子区甲基化及其表达分析 |
| 7. | The pollution character analysis on so2 in xinchenggzi district in shenyang 沈阳市新城子区大气中二氧化硫污染特征分析 |
| 8. | Investigation of public place hygiene situation of fangzi district in weifang city in 2004年潍坊市坊子区公共场所卫生状况调查 |
| 9. | From shenyang music institute dalian school , ganjingzi district , studying flute 来自大连市甘井子区沈阳音乐学院大连分校,学习长笛专业。 |
| 10. | Association between tumor necrosis factor - alpha - 308 g a polymorphism and type 2 diabetes mellitus 启动子区基因多态性与2型糖尿病的相关性 |