| 1. | The origin of vertebrates and their ancestry are problems still obscured by too few facts . 脊椎动物的起源和它们的始祖问题,由于事实太少仍然不很清楚。 |
| 2. | According to the bible , adam was the first man 据《圣经》记载,亚当是人类始祖。 |
| 3. | . . . all the way back to the founding of troy 。 。 。一直追溯到特洛伊的始祖 |
| 4. | Beast : you are what all life is to us . food 野兽始祖:你们的全部生命都是给我的。食物! |
| 5. | All the way back to the founding of troy 。 。 。一直追溯到特洛伊的始祖 |
| 6. | Your first father sinned ; your spokesmen rebelled against me 27你的始祖犯罪,你的师傅违背我。 |
| 7. | Spouse and helpmate of adam kadmon : heva , naked eve 始祖亚当的配偶兼伴侣,赫娃19 ,赤身露体的夏娃。 |
| 8. | One , he said , had been written by abraham , the jewish patriarch 他说,有一张是犹太始祖亚伯拉罕写的。 |
| 9. | A leader of the first christian mission to a country or region 始祖在一国或一地区的第一批传教士的领袖 |
| 10. | Your first father sinned , and your mediators transgressed against me 27你的始祖犯罪,你的中保违背我。 |