He supposed one of them announced the visit of the manchu . 他估量其中有一张是通知那位满清大员莅临的消息。
He was a little overwhelmed by the high rank of the men with whom he collaborated . 跟那么些高官大员日常共事,他有点受不了啦。
He encouraged an informal arrangement that permitted even officers in sub-cabinet levels, or lower, to bypass their superiors and reach the president when they felt it necessary . 他鼓励非正式的传达意见,允许内阁大员以下或更低级的官员在必要时,越过上级直接将意见上达总统。
On the opposite side of the court - yard , under a colonnade , was extensive standing for carriages - where , indeed , some carriages of monseigneur yet stood 院落对面的游廊之下有一个宽大的停车场,那位大员的几部马车居然还停在那儿。
Analysis the relations with having fined , buckled high - ranking official nourish honesty silver and its disciplinary sanction in middle and later periods of qianlong in the qing dynasty 清乾隆中后期罚扣大员养廉银与其行政处分之关系探析
The very idea evokes images form old newsreels , with grave statesmen in top hast emerging from limousines to urge calm in gravelly voices 谈到这件事就令人想到往昔的新闻影片,政府大员头戴高顶礼帽,表情沉重,从礼宾车里出来,声音沙哑而低沉地促请民众冷静。
When they got to the temple , the sorcerer in charge , cai yuanying , seemed to want to stop them , but he did not dare say anything to such a powerful imperial official as zhang chendao 当他们来庙里的时候,那里的道长蔡元英看上去很想阻拦他们,但是他又不敢对张辰道这么有权势的朝廷大员说什么。