[ yè; yì ] 名词 1.(从天黑到天亮的一段时间) night; nighttime; evening 短语和例子 一个寒冷的冬夜 one cold wintry night [winter evening]; 在新婚之夜 on the bridal evening; 冬天昼短夜长。 in winter the days are short and the nights long. 三天三夜讲不完。 it would take days to tell it all. 他一夜又一夜地外出喝酒。 he goes out drinking night after night. 他在我们家里住了三夜。 he stayed three nights with us. 夜已经很深了。 the night has grown old. 夜在逐渐消逝。 the night wears on.2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 夜龙 ye long