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English translation for "多发病"

frequently-occurring disease; frequently encountered disease

Related Translations:
多发病因:  multiple etiology
职业性多发病:  occpational frequently-encountered-diseasesoccupational frequently-encountereddiseases
多发病因学:  multiple etiology
Example Sentences:
1.Is malaria still prevalent among the populationhere
2.Some common problems existing in designing buildings
3.The search for a cure for this frequent disease is being funded by the government
4.Disease of mammary gland hyperplasia is a kind of common disease , frequently - occurring disease
5.Diabetes is a familiar disease and its incidence is high in china and all over the world
6.Strength the medical research in the treatments for lethal illnesses , common illnesses and illnesses with high probabilities for women and babies
7.I ) strength the medical research in the treatments for lethal illnesses , common illnesses and illnesses with high probabilities for women and babies
8.Cancer is caused by many factors in which the chemical masteries such as as , cd , ni and benzene , etc , hold the first place
9.The school should offer essential hygiene condition , perfect hygiene system , active prevention and cure learns unripe common disease , frequently - occurring disease and contagion
10.Some common ailments and frequently - occurring diseases that threaten female health have effectively been prevented or put under control . every year close to 40 million women receive preventive health checks
Similar Words:
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