Because of the physical size and costs of these systems , they were almost always highly centralized and , more often than not , considered an extension of the accounting function 由于这些系统庞大的外姓和巨额成本,它们总是被高度集中起来,并且时常只考虑到计算机功能的延伸。
Mrs . reed probably considered she had kept this promise ; and so she had , i dare say , as well as her nature would permit her ; but how could she really like an interloper not of her race , and unconnected with her , after her husband s death , by any tie 而我想就她本性而论,也确是实践了当初的许诺。可是她怎么能真心喜欢一个不属于她家的外姓一个在丈夫死后同她已了却一切干系的人呢?