The policy of the attlee government towards the indian native states 论艾德礼政府的印度土邦政策
How do you know ? everybody knows about this affair in bundelcund “本德尔汗德土邦的人全知道这桩事。 ”
The policy of the attlee government towards the indian native states was an important aspect of its policy towards india during the period of transfer of power 摘要对印度土邦的政策是艾德礼政府在移交权力时对印政策的一个重要方面。
These sacrifices do not occur in the larger portion of india , replied sir francis ; but we have no power over these savage territories , and especially here in bundelcund “可是,在这深山老林里,尤其是在本德尔汗德土邦的领地上,我们是管不了的。
But in order to avoid the balkanization of the indian subcontinent , the attlee government emphasized the necessity of mergence of the native states with british india in all its policy statements 在英属印度移交权力的过程中,英国政府及英印总督蒙巴顿积极协调土邦与印度继承政府之间的关系,劝导实力强大的土邦王公放弃谋求独立的想法。
As the relationship between the british royal court and the british government on the one hand and the british india on the other was different from that between the british government and the indian native states , it was impossible for the attlee government to apply the policy towards the british india to the indian native states 由于英国王室和政府与土邦的关系跟英国与英属印度的关系不同,因此,艾德礼政府在移交权力时就不可能将对英属印度的政策用于土邦。