| 1. | But i console myself with the lustre it's already bringing to our practice . 不过,能安慰我的是,我们的事业因之灿然生辉。 |
| 2. | Thus disequilibrium is a mark of waste, and imperfect efficiency of production . 因之,不均衡是浪费和生产效率有缺点的标志。 |
| 3. | Hence, his characters'search for meanings in life is equated with the artist's creative processes . 因之,他笔下人物寻求人生意义的过程,也就是艺术家创造的过程。 |
| 4. | Yet as a writer he never fully occupied either and so never found the perfect mode of expression . 但是作为一个作家,他对双方都没有充分领略到,因之也从未找到完美的表达方式。 |
| 5. | With the production of inventions and discoveries, and with the growth of institutions, the human mind necessarily grew and expanded . 随着发明和发现的产生,随着制度的发展,人类的心灵也必然因之而愈来愈开豁。 |
| 6. | Hence the tendency, so noticeable since 1945, for art-styles to be swiftly imitated by commercial art in advertising, window-display, and clothing fashions . 因之,自1945年以来,出现了一个显著的趋势,艺术风格很快就有人在广告、橱窗和时装设计等商业艺术上加以模仿。 |
| 7. | Accordingly , the crowd was sombre and grave 因之,人群也显出相应的阴郁和庄重。 |
| 8. | In the dharmadhatu there is a lot of light 在法界里,存在着光,因之你看事物更清晰。 |
| 9. | She has little resistance to germs and so is often ill 她对细菌缺乏抵抗力,因之常常生病。 |
| 10. | Thus , it can be categorized into inner and outer validity 因之,其可分为内部效力和外部效力。 |