| 1. | Technical specifications for fuel injection pump test bench 喷油嘴试验台.技术条件 |
| 2. | Dimensions for mounting and connection of injector nozzle 喷油嘴偶件.型式及连接尺寸 |
| 3. | An experimental research of nozzle for miniature diesel engines 微型柴油机用喷油嘴的试验研究 |
| 4. | Technical specification for fuel injection nozzles of diesel engines 柴油机喷油嘴偶件技术条件 |
| 5. | Delay pintle catibrating injection nozzle 轴针式标准喷油嘴偶件 |
| 6. | Oil spill dispersant application equipment : boom and nozzle systems 漏油分散设备:起重臂和喷油嘴系统 |
| 7. | Inj1 injector bank 1 or injector 第一排喷油嘴或1号喷油嘴 |
| 8. | Inj2 injector bank 2 or injector 第二排喷油嘴或2号喷油嘴 |
| 9. | Design of flashlight controller for system to take photos of diesel sprays 喷油嘴喷雾频闪摄像装置控制器设计 |
| 10. | The influence of needle tip changes on the diesel engine performance 喷油嘴针阀头形状变化对柴油机性能的影响 |