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English translation for "咖啡味"


Related Translations:
咖啡糕:  coffeecake
散装咖啡:  loose coffee
咖啡具:  coffee servicecoffee set
咖啡银行:  banco cafeterobanco del cafe, s.a
炒咖啡:  roasted coffee
咖啡硷:  caffeine
亚历山大咖啡:  cafe alexander
小味:  omi
麦氏咖啡:  maxellmaxwell house coffee
咖啡加柠檬:  caffe im lemon
Example Sentences:
1.Can you smell the coffee perking in the kitchen
2.I didn ' t forget . i can still taste the coffee
3.A : i like both strawberry and coffee ice cream
4.The smell of coffee greeted me when i entered the room
5.Add 10 gm of sugar to the espresso coffee , stir to dissolve and add in khalua
6.Conspicuous among these latter , like an animated bit of the spiked wall of newgate , jerry stood : aiming at the prisoner the beery breath of a whet he had taken as he came along , and discharging it to mingle with the waves of other beer , and gin , and tea , and coffee , and what not , that flowed at him , and already broke upon the great windows behind him in an impure mist and rain
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